Day of the Homeless
Today is the "Day of the Homeless" - A special day of action to draw attention to the situation of homeless people. On this day, events, information campaigns and social initiatives are held around the world to raise awareness about the challenges faced by people without stable housing.
The Day of Action serves to focus attention on the multi-faceted causes of homelessness, whether due to poverty, unemployment, addiction, domestic violence or other individual and societal factors. It aims to encourage the reduction of prejudice and stigma and to promote empathy for those experiencing homelessness. By raising public awareness and mobilising resources, the Day of Action aims to help strengthen solidarity in society and pave the way for positive changes in the way homelessness is dealt with.
Our group of companies is also committed to this. We regularly deal with this issue and have already been able to support several aid organisations with the help of our campaigns. We would like to present a small selection here:
A collection campaign started at the Berlin site at the end of August. Here, employees can hand in clothes that have been sorted out, which will then be given to the Stadtmission Berlin. For all those who cannot sort out items from their private wardrobe, there is also the possibility to contribute new goods such as hygiene articles or durable food.
In May, a special project started together with the Off Road Kids Stiftung. In addition to regular activities such as winter aid or Christmas activities, the “Housing First” initiative was launched recently. Young homeless adults are provided with a bridge flat so that they can get back on their feet. The group of companies not only provides the housing units on a long-term basis, but also takes over the furnishing of the accommodation.
A special dinner with the guests of the Harburg-Huus of the DRK is one of our highlights from last year. At the end of October, the residents and carers from Hamburg were guests in Leipzig. In addition to a tour of the city and a visit to Leipzig Zoo, an exclusive dinner was held at Château9 with the management and various employees of the group of companies, providing a space for special exchange.
The CaFée mit Herz on St. Pauli offers homeless people a place to go for a variety of assistance, including in the form of a “Housing First” project; we support this monthly and were able to help the facility with a floor renovation in the entrance area and staircase.
We are extremely grateful for these long-standing partnerships and the initiatives that have emerged from them. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those involved and are already looking forward to the next actions and projects!
Eva Mommsen
Telefon: +49 30 7675948 1269
CG Elementum AG
Bismarckstraße 79
10627 Berlin