Impulse konsequent umsetzen
Sustainability report 2023
Auf die Bau- und Immobilienbranche kommen große Herausforderungen zu. Der Gebäudesektor ist in Deutschland für rund 30 Prozent des CO2-Ausstoßes verantwortlich. Diese Quote muss signifikant sinken – die Gröner Group nimmt sich dieser Aufgabe an: Wir bei der Gröner Group denken um. Wir treiben die notwendige ökologische Wende voran. Wir setzen auf eine andere Art des Bauens und eine neue Art von Gebäuden und Quartieren. Wir übernehmen Verantwortung für unsere Mitarbeiter:innen und setzen uns für eine zukunftsfähige Gesellschaft ein.
In 2023, we published our second Sustainability Report. This follow-up report demonstrates how we execute our sustainability strategy, address future challenges, and consistently implement impulses we’ve set in motion.
Nachhaltig bauen heißt, Verantwortung zu tragen.
“The construction and real-estate industry finds itself at a turning point. This creates major opportunities. We just have to grab them boldly and act with confidence and conviction.“
– Christoph Gröner, Managing Director Gröner Group GmbH
Our Understanding of Sustainability: Ecological. Economic. Digital.
We are taking an innovative approach to transform the construction and real-estate industry. Sustainability forms the foundation of our work, as it is only upon this foundation that we can build our future. Instead of focusing on obstacles, at the Gröner Group we create alternative solutions to bring about a positive change in the world.
Our core business is characterised by ecological and social principles. We are committed to creating living spaces in urban developments that are not only designed to be environmentally friendly but also be operated in a climate-neutral way. To do so, we fully utilise the potential of digitalisation and find answers the current social challenges. We stand for fairness, openness and diversity in our company – for equality and inclusivity in our interaction with one another. We are also actively committed to equal opportunities for children and young people in Germany.
We act responsibly and in a future-oriented manner to ensure our long-term success while simultaneously making a significant contribution to our society.
Impulse für mehr Nachhaltigkeit.
Neun Themen stehen im Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2023 im Fokus:
vier erläutern unsere Nachhaltigkeitsaktivitäten mit Bezug zu unseren Projekten,
fünf zeigen unsere Nachhaltigkeitsleistung auf Unternehmensebene.
Renewable energies
We strive to achieve an emission-free energy supply with renewable energies using technologies individually tailored to each project.
Circular economy
We strive to make a significant contribution to a circular economy and the real estate industry.
We establish a fundamental prerequisite for future construction by reducing costs, time, and material resources through the prefabrication of complex building components.
We actively support and promote the sustainable mobility behaviour of our residents through our urban developments.
* compared to conventional construction methods and conventional gas and electricity supply
Climate-friendly mobility
We actively influence the sustainable mobility behaviour of our employees through diverse mobility concepts.
Climate-neutral company
We want to be climate-neutral in our business operations.
Education and training
We focus on the continuous qualification of our employees and make apprenticeships attractive.
We stand for strong company-wide compliance, in which rule-compliant behavior is a natural expectation for all employees of the Gröner Group.
Social commitment
We are dedicated and committed to social and cultural projects, as it is an integral part of our corporate philosophy, Our efforts in this regard are targeted and long-term.
Implementing Impulses Consistently
Gröner Group has released its second Sustainability Report for the year 2023. The report provides an overview of the company’s sustainability activities, describes its sustainability goals, and aligns them with the overall strategy of the corporate group.
You can access the full Sustainability Report 2023 online as a flipbook for browsing and reading.
Read here